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Where to Insert a Meat Thermometer in a Turkey

Cooking a turkey perfectly can be a bit of a challenge on account of its size. There is also the fact that other parts of the turkey may cook faster than other parts. This makes it difficult to determine where to put the thermometer in the turkey. Ensure that you use a well-calibrated thermometer or …

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Which is Safer: A Kerosene or a Propane Heater?

Most cheap home back up heaters are powered by electricity, kerosene or propane. They are portable and easy to set up making them a cheaper and instant solution as opposed to adding a more powerful whole-house heating system. While electric backup heaters are the safest for indoor use, they simply won’t cut if: You are …

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How to Wire a Thermostat Without C Wire to HVAC

I know the excitement that comes with purchasing a new thermostat. Not only is it going to automate things, but you’ll also enjoy a significant reduction in your energy bills. If you have not yet got yourself a thermostat, I recommend that you check out our comprehensive thermostat reviews. On the other hand, if you …

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Can Microwave Ovens Explode?

Most households now have microwave ovens. Even bachelor pads and dorm rooms rarely lack this useful cooking and meal warming gadget. Despite their popularity, they are still dangerous, and a lot can go wrong if misused. To answer your question, yes. Microwaves can explode. Faulty wiring or placing inappropriate items in the microwave can lead …

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How Does the Ecobee Power Extender Kit Work

The Ecobee3 power extender kit is the ultimate solution to houses without a C-Wire. While the perfect solution to the problem is pulling a C-Wire, most homeowners skip this lengthy and sometimes professional process in favor of the simpler DIY solutions. All smart thermostats need that C-Wire to run their Wi-Fi, keep their programming working …

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What is the Best Humidity Level for a Basement?

According to the Cambridge dictionary, a basement is a  building’s floor partly or entirely below the ground. Basements have humidity issues that may affect your structure and your health. This invisible threat can lead to several effects like mold, fungal infestations, respiratory problems like asthma. Therefore, it’s so critical to understand the ideal basement humidity …

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Why are My Hard Wired Smoke Alarms Going Off for No Reason?

Smoke detectors are a great way to make your home safer. They can help you detect fires early enough by triggering an alarm that warns people to evacuate. If they are hooked up to a power suppression system, they could even quench a fire before it gets going. Like most disaster mitigation systems, it would …

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How Do You Get Rid of Wasps in Your House Without Getting Stung?

After the long chilly, cold weather, summer and spring come to brighten people’s lives. However, during this period, insects explore the environment and make their nest in our homestead. Wasps are among those insects that nest in homes and are very dangerous if provoked. Wasp stings are painful and cause swelling or severe health issues, …

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